Tag: holy

Feb 2020

A gray head is a crown of glory; It is found in the way of righteousness. Proverbs 16:31 Oh my gosh, one day we will look in the mirror and realize time has caught up with us. Wow, really, it has finally arrived and we find ourselves middle-aged. We look at ourselves in the mirror, and we try to find all visible wrinkles, dark spots plus anything else we may think didn’t exist before. We all get old and no one is exempt unless we die before our time. When we are......

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January 18, 2020

Join us for this wonderful excitement coming up on January 18th. It is going to be awesome. Come and join us at Kingdom Faith Church.

November 11, 2019

A marriage is about negotiating in all matters that affect your relationship together.

May 16, 2019

Being a giver is never out of style. I remember, when I was young when relatives and friends came over to my parent’s house, they always brought something with them to give to my parents. ...

April 17, 2019

Women, you are free indeed! In a world of gender discrimination, it has been the battle of the sexes for centuries. In this world, we have the division between the sexes in sports and in...

March 25, 2019

All right, I understand you’ve had a hard day or something has definitely gone wrong.  We all have stress, anxiety, illnesses, family issues, work, and worries and then I’m having to deal with someone else’s...

February 20, 2019

I’ve heard many people tell others that they are to love their neighbors because Jesus said so… That kind of never settled well with me.  To tell you the truth, I have lousy neighbors, and when...

February 05, 2019

We got it! Don’t we? We can not continue to lose our battles, and every year and thereafter, we continue with the same stuff.  How can we win? Overcoming defeat is tough, really, but what’s...

January 01, 2019

Well, here it is.  A new year again, and we keep making promises or goals that this time we are really gonna do it.  How many times have we told ourselves that this is it? ...
